As summer fades and we step into a new season, the familiar feeling of "back to school" and "back to work" sets in. This year, however, is different for me, as the eclipses have been bouncing back and forth across my 3rd and 9th house axis. For those unfamiliar with astrology, the 3rd house governs communication, learning, and short travels, while the 9th house rules over long-distance travel, higher education, and spiritual growth. This celestial dance has aligned perfectly with my experiences this year, creating a whirlwind of travel, learning, and discovery.
A Year of Adventures and New Beginnings
This year, I’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively, embracing the energies of my 9th house. My adventures took me across the globe—from the bustling streets of Vietnam to the sprawling landscapes of the United States, twice! Each journey has been more than just a physical relocation; it has been an exploration of the soul, allowing me to absorb new cultures, meet fascinating people, and grow in unexpected ways.
Alongside these transcontinental voyages, I also managed to slip in trips to Geneva and Paris with my brother. Each city offered a unique experience, rich in history and brimming with opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. These travels have been a powerful reminder of the joy and transformation that comes with stepping out of one’s comfort zone and into the unknown.
Learning and Growth: Diving into New Skills
As if my passport wasn’t getting enough of a workout, my brain decided to join in on the fun too! The eclipses impacting my 3rd house have fueled a desire for new knowledge and skills. This year, and perhaps the most exciting discovery of all has been my introduction to astrocartography, thanks to Helena Woods. For those who haven't heard of it, Astrocartography is a fascinating field that combines astrology and geography, mapping the planetary influences of specific locations on your birth chart. This discovery resonated deeply with me, having worked and studied across various countries—Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, Hungary, Portugal, and more. Understanding how different places around the world can highlight certain challenges or amplify my potentials made so much sense, providing clarity and context to my globetrotting lifestyle.
The Power of Eclipses: Reflecting on the Year Ahead
As I look back on the year so far, I can’t help but feel grateful for the experiences and lessons brought on by the eclipses in my 3rd and 9th houses. They have pushed me to explore new horizons, both geographically and intellectually. Whether it’s picking up a new programming language, discovering the impact of planetary lines through astrocartography, or simply navigating the intricacies of travel, this year has been a testament to the power of learning and growth.
As we transition back to the routines of school and work, I’m reminded of the importance of embracing change and staying open to new experiences. The eclipses will continue to dance across my chart, but rather than fearing the unknown, I’m excited to see what new adventures and discoveries await.
And you...? Where are the eclipses falling for you? Check in Astrolearn in the last section, 'Ingress,' and let me know what you have been through so far!
Here’s to a season of continued learning, exploration, and growth.
May we all embrace the energies of our charts and use them to navigate the exciting journey ahead!